Delphi XE IntraWeb XI courseware manual available
Bob Swart |
2/22/2011 8:39:19 AM
 Last weekend, I published the first edition of my Delphi XE IntraWeb XI courseware manual in PDF format, which is available for purchase now for 99 Euro (including updates for 12 months) from http://www.eBob42.com/courseware See the Table of Contents of this 140-page first edition.
People who purchased the original Delphi for Win32 Web Development manual from me (143 pages first published in 2008, with the 4th and last edition being 266 pages published last month), received an e-mail last weekend with a free upgrade to the Delphi XE IntraWeb XI manual. This free upgrade was even sent if the original purchase was more than 12 months ago (and the next edition - due end of March 2011 - will also be sent to these customers for free). From now on, I will publish quarterly updates to this courseware manual, introducing a subscription services for my courseware manuals starting next quarter. For a small price, based on the number of titles you want to subscription to, you will get all new editions that are published in a year. More details will follow next month, but this will help me to allow to develop the courseware manuals, and will help you to guarantee regular new updates. Rest assured, the first 12 months of free upgrades is still included in the price of the PDF.
And until the end of this month, when you purchase the Delphi 2007 for Win32 Web Development PDF (at 266 pages) you will also get the Delphi XE IntraWeb XI manual as free upgrade. At the end of this month, the price for the Delphi 2007 edition will be lowered to 49 Euro, but it will no longer include any updates (i.e. that title is now frozen), and you will also no longer be entitled to a free upgrade to the Delphi XE IntraWeb XI edition (as of next month).
Oh, and in case you wonder: the paperback on Lulu is still the second edition of the IntraWeb 9.x book. The second edition of the IntraWeb XI book will be published on Lulu around the end of next month. But the only way to get more updates is to get the personalised PDF edition, see also paperbacks on Lulu> ;-)
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