My first Delphi courseware manual on Lulu
Bob Swart |
8/24/2007 1:48:39 PM
 I've followed Julian Bucknal (and the plans of Marco Cantù) and decided to put some of my own Delphi courseware manuals for sale as paperback books on Lulu, starting with the 188-page Delphi 2005 Development Essentials manual. I've used a standard Lulu cover, but one that included a classic Delphi-like theme, and just got my sample copy at home which looks really good. If this works out, I may be putting some more Delphi and C++Builder courseware manuals up there (I'm currently also experimenting with a hardcover colour edition for newer courseware manuals, which has the benefit of showing all screenshots and code snippets in full colour).
I did not need/want an ISBN number, so it won't be for sale through Amazon or other channels. My Delphi courseware manuals will however also remain for sale as PDF files through my own website - a PDF file has the benefit of allowing you to search for certain (key)words and print it for yourself. And the latest ones will first be used in my upcoming training classes.
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